
20 September, 2009

How to add a slide show to your Blog

Hi all I was asked how I managed to create my lil slide show on the left sidebar of my blog! Well the truth is, There are really a lot of ways to accomplish this. Some are more complicated than other. I would just take the time to share one of them with you.
I simply went to my blog layout and added an HTML/JavaScript gadget and entered the following :

< marquee direction="down" height="90">
<img src="Image Url" width="120" height="82" alt="o((@=@))o">
</marquee >


initially I utilized the image url directly from the blog posts but I later decided to create a separate image post consisting of all the blog which I save as a draft for external utilization purposes. I now use the image Url from this draft.
note: the slide direction can be altered t0 your desire, as well as the slide and image size.

Visit Draac.com for further lessons. Have fun!! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1 comment:

  1. Bravo my friend! its good to see creativity at work. I just dusted off my flash tools and created an animation for the website. I haven't done this in years and I forgot how much fun it can be.

    Your blog is looking mighty fine. Keep on posting, We look forward to it everyday.

